Today’s #folklore doodle, this show me the death of St Edmund in 870 at the hand of Ivar the Boneless. A talking wolf guarded his head for a while.

We have been allowed 66 books of the Bible. There are 700 more under the Vatican that will soon surface. We have been duped, lied to, kept in the dark. Add the Apocrypha that makes 777 books of the Bible. Extra Terrestrials exist and have been here all along. Our higher-ups have been in cahoots with satan since the beginning. This is revelations. It's not the end but the revealing.

Seen the locusts? Earthquakes?

I'm waiting 2 minutes to be allowed to post because I've been a spammy grubby little dub.

Here's Amazing Grace:

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[–]Uncouth_Troglodyte 1 point 2 minutes ago Hey Science........God is real and celebrities drink baby blood.

Everything you've been told is a lie. Research SSP.

Graham Hancock is is Judy Wood and Corey Goode and Preston Nichols and Arizona Wilder and Donald Marshall and Phil Schneider and David Paulides and Admyral Byrd.

It'll be okay. God is on top of this ish.

perma-linksavecontextfull comments (12)editdisable inbox repliesdelete Found this wild berry in Sanford FL. Any ideas? by nothximjustbrowsin in Berries

[–]Uncouth_Troglodyte -1 points an hour ago Hey Science........God is real and celebrities drink baby blood.

Everything you've been told is a lie. Research SSP.

Graham Hancock is is Judy Wood and Corey Goode and Preston Nichols and Arizona Wilder and Donald Marshall and Phil Schneider and David Paulides and Admyral Byrd.

It'll be okay. God is on top of this ish.

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