Today I Told My Mom She Can't Come Meet My New Baby

I think you are doing the right thing although its tough . My mom has had every opportunity to meet my children and hasn't formally. One time she drove the 6 hours to our town and went to my neighbors house which was a relative . She came with her new " boyfriend " . He stayed in the car . I ended up walking over with the baby knowing she was rhere and she left 10 minutes later . I am 99% positive she was borrowing money or selling her meds .

She held the baby for less than a minute and tried to give her my nephews sippy cup with orange juice in it when my daughter was Like 5 months old. It was blue with football's on it but she insisted it was my daughters until I ripped it out if her hand and took my kid back.

Like the next month her BF tied her up and beat her and kept her captive for like 6 days. He was smoking crack the whole time . Cut off all her hair with a knife and shit . Last time I talked to her she was looking forward to him getting out of jail and felt bad she ran out of the house naked and flagged down the nearest car .

I stopped talking to her a few months later when she started a bunch of drama and ultimatly led to me being fired from my job and unemployed for akmost a year . She still calls every family member I know for pictures of my kids but its pointless .

people like this do not care about anybody but themselves . they wanna see the baby so they can go brag to people that they are the best grandmother and about their grandkids but yet don't even care about their own kids .

my advice is as much as it hurts keep your kid away from her she's too old to change and your kid don't need to go through what you did

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread