In today's America, 8 stitches just cost me $865.50 - and I have health insurance through my employer. In today's America, my friend literally killed himself trying to work to pay of his family's medical bills - and he had insurance as well. Enough is enough.

I do feel sorry for the death of your friend, but I'm going to have to call bs on this, and the fact that you are using your dead friend to manipulate people.

Just last year, my family’s good, kind, decent, hard-working and caring friend unnecessarily, and tragically, died because his wife was diagnosed with leukemia and, even though they had insurance, their policy's $1m limit had been reached. They ended up running through their (fairly sizable) savings to continue her treatments.

First, as you say, he passed away in a freak accident, but you blame his death on his wife had leukemia.

Second, under the ACA, the limits were ended over two years ago. If there was such a problem, it is gone now.


My family's friend eventually paid off the family's hospital debt through his life insurance payout; he literally worked himself to death doing it.

According to the obituary that you link, this is not true.

He eventually paid off Carol's hospital debt

Your headline reads.

my friend literally killed himself trying to work to pay of his family's medical bills - and he had insurance as well. Enough is enough.

You friend did not kill himself, he had a tragic accident with witnesses. He paid off her bills before having an accident. According the article he was a generally good guy that constantly liked to help people with projects around the house or yard. So it doesn't seem he was killed because he had to cut down a tree to make money to pay hospital bills, he died because he was doing something his friends, family, and neighbors said he just loved doing.

I can't describe the many ways he served my family. He repaired appliances, took care of frozen pipes and cut my grass every week. ... Eddie didn't do for others out of feelings of obligation; he served because he considered it a blessing to do so.

While I do feel for your friend, his family, and the grief they went through, you are basically standing on his dead body, manipulating people with fake emotion, to push politics that won't change anything.

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