Today's Australian front page...

Please get your downvote thumbs ready as I'd like to discuss how the ABC covered this event too. In honesty I wanted to see how The Australian would slant this story (as I suspected it would be similar to the OP's pic) so I checked out several news sites and noticed that the ABC omitted a statement from the CEO of Alinta Energy Jeff Dimery while quoting him in other areas.

They left out this quote

“The decline in demand for energy, as households have become more efficient and the number of industrial customers has declined, combined with policy settings designed to support significant growth in renewable energy generation, have together had the effect of causing a significant oversupply of power available to South Australia.”

Now The Guardian included this quote and as did The Australian but the ABC for some reason have chosen to leave this out which I find odd. Further more from the same news story linked here yesterday from SBS the quote was included in their article however later in the day when I checked over the article again the quote was removed from the SBS article and it said that the article was edited an hour ago, why they would retract that statement from their article is a little bewildering.

I personally believe someone at the ABC has left this out as the CEO is saying that renewable energy policy has contributed to the closing of these plants. I'm a little pissed that the ABC have chosen to censor this part out and is something I would expect from Murdoch but not the ABC.

The 4 articles in question

/r/australia Thread Link -