Today's a hard day..

Did your partner ask for reconciliation? Did you ask and truly work on the relationship?

Was it possible outside experiences helped or will help to see how to better nurture each other?

I think believing experiences always justify a decision isn’t always helpful. I would say it does earlier this year but I’ve also seen what change, time and understanding can do.

You both clearly allowed other people in and only you can work on terminating the new relationship. Personally, I understand when something new and nurturing is so much better however, those chemicals fade and you realize if you only knew how to love the last the right way and vice versa, it could have been enough and everything you ever wanted.

I think an AP isn’t the best option because look at foundation. Sure, you nurture and dive into a blazing pool of nuerochemicals, find experiences that are pleasing, however, I can’t imagine that the best they can be is soothing an injured deer while being the prey themselves. If the AP, especially if they’re older understands what they are doing, potentially tearing the family apart because you were vulnerable, what does that say about them as a person? Just some thoughts.

/r/Divorce Thread