Toddler and newborn - is it ok to want to be home most of the time?

I have a 3.5-year-old son and an 11-week-old baby, and I’m definitely the one who pushes the family to get out all the time, partially because my son is hard to entertain indoors, like yours, but also because I love exploring new places and get antsy when I’m inside my house too. I was up and running around museums and farmers’ markets at 2 weeks post-partum and feeling very proud of myself for it.

Then I realized it was actually pretty detrimental to the baby. She just wasn’t ready yet; we had trouble establishing a routine for her, and she was kind of freaked out and (understandably!) needed comforting all the time. As the newest and most vulnerable member of the family, she really needed me to put her needs first, not have me tote her around thinking she was still young enough that she could be brought around like an accessory.

I think you are perfectly within your rights, and also RIGHT, to want to stay home!

/r/beyondthebump Thread