toddler proof paint job

I remember doing a painting job (not a lick of experience) for this unlicensed do it all "handyman" who outsources some of his jobs to others, obviously for cheaper pay.

Well I'm doing this wall that was mired with roach or fly residue (still don't know the difference) and I was told to just paint away.

Color me surprised when the boss man was upset I was "taking too long to paint a wall" He then saw I removed the socket plate to not damage it; he lost it. Kicked me off the job site (under the guise we were going to a different job site).

I tried explaining why not putting in the extra effort to deaths ears. He looks the the older Mexican and asked him "do you take off the plates?!?" He only laughed and said "no, no, no"

Fuck me I guess for my attention to detail. I just remember all the shit landlord's that painted like that making my struggles to put a plug in a life event.

/r/mildlyinfuriating Thread Link -