I have TOF and am considering smoking weed for the first time

Is TOF exacerbated by an increase in heart rate? Because I would be very careful if it is. Weed speeds up your heartrate a lot. It will also mess with your blood pressure. I mean, overall the chances of it hurting you are low, but nonzero. I DEFINITELY wouldn’t recommend it as a habit.

As a followup if you do try it, THC also increases existing anxiety, so if you’re VERY nervous about using weed the first time, this may turn into a panic attack or paranoia. Be with friends you trust and have someone who is not high as a babysitter (this isn’t usual with weed but I recommend it as a first timer with a heart condition). And take a VERY small dose to start. If you smoke anything, inhale only 1-2 seconds and wait 15 minutes. High CBD weeds would make you less high but also mess less with your heart, but I doubt high schoolers have that.

I would also recommend you wait until college or once you’re out of the house if your parents disapprove. Maybe once you’re 21. I know that seems like forever, but it may help with your emotional reaction to it and take a lot of the stress off of it. Plus, depending on the state, you can get it yourself legally and get something with more CBD to make it less harsh on your system.

/r/HeartDisease Thread