Together 15 years, can't orgasm.

He doesn't like PDA. He always says I'm smothering him if I try to sneak a kiss or grab his butt in public. The more I read the more I think that we either speak 2 completely different love languages and/or are not compatible at all.

I can't make him do anything, especially if it involves kissing or licking. I don't think he finds me attractive anymore, but I've been bigger nearly most of our time together. (Currently size 24)I was never 'small'. I asked him if lingerie would help, he said no.

He keeps saying he is willing to try but every time I suggest something he mocks me about it and calls me sensitive. For example he asked me to send him pictures of sex positions I might like to try. A couple of them had holds on them aound the neck...but I was VERY clear and said MAYBE on those. He responds with, those are rather rapey and then said he didn't think a sensitive prude, like me, was into that kind of thing. It REALLY hurt my feelings especially given my past. I can't fucking win at this point.

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