This toilet paper box thanking it's deliverer

Forward: TLDR, I get it. My PopPop is a retired USPS, still working a new full time job as a "retired" human. He loved his job, his people loved him. He was like Norm, everybody knew his name, a damn celebrity at the grocery store. I knew his routes, when I was little my Mom would drive to see him. One of the first things I did as a teen with a licence was to stalk him on his route. I would show up with a Gatorade or just to say "found you!!!!" Olol. I wish it wasn't such a fast paced profession. Yeah, some don't give a shit, but they have crazy delivery times because, including me, we all want our things yesterday. sigh I dunno, I think it's like any service industry, you get shit workers or you get the ones who Pop cared. So I try my best to respect any service employee and take deep breaths when it sucks. They are mostly wonderful people and they live among us, much love.

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