I was told Christianity is the only true path to heaven/ peace. Advice?

This was a beautiful perspective that I was surprised to find refreshing from a Christian standpoint. It’s so nice to hear an open mind that doesn’t dismiss other beliefs and religions. If religion was filled with people like you the world would be a better place.

Personally I’m agnostic. I’m a mere 32 year old woman from Scotland, what do I know of the existence of God? Can’t and won’t rule it out. I believe in reincarnation. I believe there is something spiritual during NDE’s. I believe if it’s the right time, place and mental state open a connection to our passes loved ones where they may be able to hear us. I don’t believe in ghosts, logic always seems to win those arguments but it doesn’t win every paranormal argument so I definitely believe something. I also know that don’t believe in any of it enough to prevent the fear of dying. I wish I did but I think it’s supposed to be the point. To not know 100% because then what would be the meaning of faith?

/r/spirituality Thread