I told him off!

Or look at him and say “only men with no balls would do that, a real man would approach me and introduce himself like a gentleman”

Another line “a real man would approach and introduce himself like a gentleman, unlike <pause + face of disgust + loss for words face> whatever you are”

“Stop acting like a mangina and either introduce yourself as a man or shut the f up”

This one would work way better with giggles/smiles/laughs “you know, it never ceases to amaze me too see how PATHETIC and WEAK some males can actually become! HAH what a loser/joke ! , <as you’re walking away> my husband is gonna laugh soo much today”

The last one has to destroy any shred of manhood in him. Thats if he has any sense or pride and dignity.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent