I told my boyfriend I didn't want to have sex last night

No worries im in the same boat, 3 year wedding anniversary yesterday and 8 years together, didnt get anything not a gift a blowie or even some booty. Its been almost a month! We went ice skating out to eat and had a great day together, once we got the kids in bed she wasnt even remotely i interested in me. Its been over 6 years since ive had a blowie and i give her head every single time for warm up. Due to this i have lost all of my self confidence and feel as if i stink or something, pretty sure i dont but who knows. She used to do it for me but after a while it just became a fight. Thing is sex absolutely is not a requirement. But! Validation on your spouse still finding you unbearably attractive is! Maybe its cause i have a dad bod now and im not a ripped young framer, maybe this is just a part of unfaithful partners idk. Stick in there my friend one day these women will grow up and realize were not just lusted pigs and we have feelings also.

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