So I told my boyfriend that I was going to start my period tomorrow just to give him a friendly heads up( because sometimes I’m an emotion wreck) and this is what he came home with

And we have no one to blame but ourselves for this attitude of needing to be so strong all the time. We women are so hard and competitive with each other and it gets worse when we start having children. I used to nanny for lots of families and it was insane the pressure these women put on each other. To be in the “in” crowd you had to be super fit, be a perfect chef, have a clean house, and have some sort of graduate degree, otherwise you’re not very respected by the other moms. And you’d think they’d try and help me out as a sister, but nah, I was the help, I was too beneath them for them to take the time to know me. My whole point is that us women need to show that we can be strong, but at the same time there’s nothing wrong with being vulnerable especially when it comes to our periods. Periods are actually torture for some of us and there’s nothing we can do about it. My sister gets fevers on the first few days of her period, it’s insane. Anyways, you have a nice bf!

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