Told my long distance I haven't met that I love him.

BUT. One of the first things he told me is that his ex had cheated on him while he was away. He is definitely really torn up about that. I am willing to work through it. Last night him and I were talking and he started doubting my feelings for him. It just slipped out.

What...? Why does he care about an ex so much? Did he JUST break up with her? And if so, does that mean he had a girlfriend this whole time while you two were video chatting?

Here is what happened: this fuckboy is stationed away from his partner so he treats it as a free ticket to download Tinder and fuck around with women in the area. Now that his station is ending, he has to delete Tinder and go back to his partner. Obviously, he is going to then cut contact with any women he has been flirting with while abroad. Please just drop this piece of trash before he drops you.

If you REALLY want to get back at him. Send screenshots to his "ex" (or his actual current partner) with evidence of your communication with him. This would be doing his partner a favor as well because nobody needs to be with someone who violates someone's trust like that.

Of course, maybe I'm wrong. But you can verify this by just reaching out to his "ex" on Facebook and see what she says. If he refuses to give you her name, then obviously he's hiding something.

/r/relationships Thread