I was told to take my question over here about the minutemen and libertarian thinkers (x-post from r/libertarian)

I'd like to take a stab at this topic, just because I like thinking about it and consider myself an AnCap/Voluntaryist but really its just an ultimate belief in 'freed markets' taking the words from the book Markets not Capitalism (Ancaps read it and don’t fret the title, Rothbards in a section) Instead of callinf the community Anarchists, Ancaps or libertarians I going to name our community Freedomers.

On the Assumption that a great number of freedom lovers did some networking in the effort for a new homeland of Liberty, Steps Below.

Plan 1: Create a Network of the Freedom lovers and implement them all immediately to gain free sovereignty in lands and vessels privately which could be sold away to more peoples.

Plan 2:

Step A – Sovereignty. Ancaps believe in property rights but without the monopoly of the state the market is required to protect and designate who owns what. So on the pillar of beauty of cryptos a new block-chain would be launched designed to register land claims or “property” lets call it Claimchain which would hold a ledger of all claims based on coordinates on the world map and link it to an owner who would hold the private pass/code in their name and they could print our their property claim as proof. Non coordinate claims could also be made and the user base would need to create popular tags and codes to register things of any kind, cars, boats..etc. If any double marked claims are found on the Claimchain, then it is a matter of other claimants to acknowledge you or not. The more claimants who self recognize each other the more democratic and the more legitimate the claim becomes. This version of property claims would need to be created, started and used by the Freedomers.

Then properties would need to be claimed by purchase from current States/Governments, also could be done via a smaller succession movement or native/indigenous leader claiming sovereignty then selling on the Claimchain to the Freedomers. I would prescribe that within mainland United State only some rural areas would be applicable perhaps neighboring lands to the Lakota nation. Also the Free staters of Keene and New Hampshire could be a small successor. Then lands in Mexico and other smaller States along the coastlines of Central America which would be open to selling off little bits of land for the prospect of international capital directed their direction. Also Land could be created with trash offshore of the Western coast of the United States which could be dealt with as new land separate from the United States. Source off shore solutions of giant vessels which can be docked in international waters and can be moved to ports would also be a great additional node in the sovereign properties.

And this 'Ancapistan' would not be one major territory but mini-zones which would be privately owned at first which hold them to a Non-Aggression treaty with the neighboring Governments. Also none would be called anything with 'Ancap' in the name, rather they would reserve named to the local regions, Natural sites, or names of the creators, or possibly just names that are beautiful and role off the tongue. I'll refer to them as Freedomia's.

Step B – Citizenry.

The Freedomers villages, towns, and cities of new sovereignty or Freedomia's now linked by commonality on Claimchain at the very least would also have a need to travel, and re-enter The United States, Canada, Mexico or travel abroad. And most States foreign to the idea of a non-citizen unless they are a refugee like status would require of Freedomers 'papers!' to travel. Private Identification Companies which Governments could wrap their heads around would need to be created which could process background check, liability, legal issues would need to represent Freedomers, and this could even become desirable among the average government citizenry as the world becomes more globalized. Also 'The World Passport' office could be used and/or a branch could be administered from the largest city of the Freedomers. And the acceptance of refugees into any of the Freedomia's would be as easy as a kickstarter campaign of anonymous or known peoples to sponsor with payment or housing or moving refugees and or immigrants looking for a better opportunity into an open Freedomia. It then would be to their discretion to remain living in the Freedomia if they would join local organizations or employers or else they would be free to seek asylum elsewhere.

Step B – Institutions. When you think of the typical Freedomers community the very thought of regulation, social services, and governance are all taboo and/or evil, which is because they are a monopoly. When a freed market is open for competitive regulation which will be to the benefit of the buyer and seller; social services which will not be forced on people but viewed as a good service either to pay for or volunteer to; and governance such as set common rules in a way which aren't forced but created via claims on where are the 'commons' and paths/road ways and which are roadways which are privatized tollways, as well as a natural democratic neighborly claim agreements which can be logged on the Claimchain regarding pollution, noise..etc. Not to mention the arts, and free libraries and schools which would be open source based to be aside the private markets for schooling, and media. Also organizations which would act as community groups would be set up by those within the industry they create.

IE: The Freedomers Firefighter Station of whichever territory they reside would be one or a small band of professional firefighters whom are skilled in the practice and would offer firefighting insurance but as I would see, they would also take that expertise and offer a volunteer firefighter course and enable a volunteer firefighting station like many State firefighter have, which would allow people to be more involved with the community and learn new skills. I would see this an a great avenue for initial smaller Freedomer towns and cities. (Similarly exemplified by private police/defense companies in Detroit offering similar services which now the State lacks in)

Note that freedom to Bank I would foresee as new Banks would open which specialize in security boxes to store metals, and a mix of local currencies but more international crypto currencies and silver/gold back notes.

Step C – Economy. The Freedomers Laissez-faire economy would most likely pick up greatly in certain territory with enough of an initial population and with a tech industry which could be the primer for its innovative production as it could be free of more regulation with trading to the US, Canada, and Mexico as well as globally. The Note of freedom of currency would mean de facto currencies along with populous currencies would most likely be traded highly. I wold for see crypto's (Bitcoin) mainly traded, and altcoins, and in the smaller Freedomias more silver transactions, but people would also be using dollars/pesos due to their acceptance of commerce with neighboring locality. The competition for alternative currencies would mean a couple free-market banks could rise with gold/silver standards and I could also foresee labor based “Trade Union organizations raising a banking unit out of a larger population Freedomia.

The largest economic incentive which Freedomia would gain from immediately are markets which the government neighbors highly regulate, and privilege. The sin industries like casinos, and the sex industry would be open for business. Privileged industries such as companies relying heavily on patents, copyright and trademark good would blossom. Imagine a drug manufacturers drug being knocked off in china, well now its going to happen in the local sovereign Freedomia.

Step D - Design. Simple Flags which could be flown to represent communities as a whole unit of Freedomia would send a message of unity but would be completely decentralized at the same time. Due to lack in regulations modern building alternatives and new design could be tried in the laboratory of the Freedomias. The architecture would try to capitalize heavily of efficiency due to the small sovereign zones and the need for resources and energy products. I would also see architectures like earthships (personal favorite) becoming popular and the off-the grid mentality would grow alongside with small energy operations to feul industrial entrepreneurial enterprises. Off-shored and peninsula built-up Freedomias would be needed to harbor at least one viable port city in addition to a launch site for launching space trips and satellites into orbit as well as flights. Roadways would be mostly localized 'commons' but creative rotundas and small/low-tech city plans could take shape. Each Freedomia could be thought of as modernist brands of what that community best produced, be it a tech-industry or a sunny beachfront and that common brand could be paid for or organized by a non Authoritarian group with the agenda of tourism, commerce, or public good.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism Thread Link - reddit.com