I told my therapist about how my mom kicked me out and then texted me less than a month later telling me I should come visit. He told me I was "biased" against her and she wasn't seeking narcissist supply

Okay, this is not sarcastic...How do you think I know? Oh, because I had a therapist who I viscerally felt was a narcissist very early in my therapy journey and I felt creeped out after every session (maybe two). I had no idea what I was feeling, but I was just freezing and shutting down and tried to dip. Well guess what the fuck that jerk did? Called me, tried to convince me to come in, told me these were therapeutic issues, projection, etc...we had met maybe twice. The level of gall he had to attempt to push me when we had very little alliance and time together, and it was so manipulative. I just hung up on him and never called back, because that was the best I could do at the time.
Now, I am a clinical psychologist, have done years of personal work, and I understand what I was feeling but couldn't say. My intuition protected me, but honestly, I know that what he said on the phone to try to convince me to come back, was GROSS AND WRONG and boundary crossing. It was not therapeutic or helpful, it was harmful.

I am so glad you posted on this sub. TRUST YOURSELF. You have been trained to spot the ick right away. It's ok if it takes a little time to figure out what you are feeling, or that there is something wrong. But you know u/thebpdlovedonespost this is not the right fit for you. Dip baby dip

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