The tolerant people at /r/LGBT are pretty intolerant of those who think differently --> The top post is celebrating the exclusion of gay trump supporters

Oh please SJWs have been labelling everyone they disagree with racist/sexist/homophobic/hurpaderpa for years, it's literally what got Trump elected. There is nothing apolitical about this.

I just don't have an issue with not wanting to hire a racist or a homophobe. Those are beliefs and attitudes you take that represent who you are as a person. Race and orientation are not choices the way those are.

Become a neo-Nazi for 5 minutes and tell me how much of a choice it is.

Again, maybe I missed something. Did Harvard allow people to speak, or pay people to speak, who literally called for killing white people? From what I read in what you gave, it discussed whiteness as an idea and culture, not a literal death. Did I miss something?

There is no rational way to pretend that calling for the abolition of an entire race and culture is less offensive than posting a fucking meme, no matter how you intellectualize it, you literally cannot do it.

And this ideology is now taught directly on college campuses.

"But racism! Well, racism against whites is kinda different...."

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