A tombstone from Orthodox Christian Karaman Turks

It says (in Turkish) :BU MEZARDA SAKİN NİĞDE KARYESINDEN İLOSONLU MEYHANECİ SAVVA ZEVCESİ X. (XACI=HACI) VHOLEEM (FESLEĞEN? ) YATIYOR. ALLAH RAHMET EYLESİN. 1897In the 20th century, they were forced to emigrate due to their religion, no matter how Turkish they were during the exchange period. YULYUS (TEMMUZ) 21

I guess they were asimilated much and don't hesitate to say Allah. I also found this:


-says Maşallah which means 'god protect us from evil eyes' -

In the 20th century, they were forced to emigrate due to their religion, no matter how Turkish they were during the population exchange period.

/r/Turkey Thread Link - i.redd.it