Tomorrow, I'm going to ruin his life

All she’s doing is exposing what he’s done. Maybe the king shaming is a bit overkill but exposing the cheating and living off her money while doing it isn’t unreasonable. I was just like her, my ex cheated on me and I just shut down. He got defensive and proceeded to assasinate my character while doing more hurtful shit after the breakup to try to provoke me to get me to react. The more I ignored him the more people assumed I was “admitting guilt” by staying silent. He stole all my friends and basically humiliated me in front of everyone I’ve ever known. I don’t even know all the things he said cause people just ostracized me after the breakup and no one wanted to talk to me. People who exploit you and cheat on you do not care about you. They have already proven this by cheating and taking advantage and WILL do harm just to save face unless you expose the truth and give zero room for them to bs or manipulate anything.

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