TOMORROW NIGHT: Official Organization Meeting of Rhode Island for Bernie Sanders

This is the greatest republic on Earth. I could, but would live no where else.

Just so you know, stripping out blacks and hispanics, USA has a gun murder rate similar to Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Evil individuals will try to take things from you. Guns are for defense, nothing more.

You think paying more taxes translates into better services? Please enlighten us as to which federal services you're receiving the rest of us are not.

Politicians and bureaucrats are THIEVES who are predisposed to waste, waste, waste.

You like taxes? Move to New Jersey or NYC - see what it gets you.

What's great about America is not the diversity of thought, but LIBERTY. Diversity has come here only because LIBERTY was first established.

It's NOT the other way around. When I was 20 I really valued 'diversity.' Today I am much, much older and enjoy living in a nearly all white neighborhood.

Know why? Because it's SAFE and the schools are good. NO METAL DETECTORS needed.

Bernie sanders is a fucking joke. He's only standing out b/c the Democrat field is so shitty.

And no, I don't like 80% of Republicans because the push their social beliefs on others. That's not a good way to govern.

What's a good state, you asked? Texas, Tennessee, Washington, New Hampshire are all good.

RI could be a great place if not for all the brainless liberals and the Unions.

I know nearly everyone thinks you're a sacred fucking cow in this subreddit, but quite frankly, other than your calm tone, I'm not at all impressed.

There is NOTHING anyone is doing in RI that deserves to be lauded, except for those few, who believe people just want to be left the fuck alone!

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