Is it too late to play LoL?

That is on their mindset them, doesn't have anything to do with them being born bad video game players. I'd say it is quite a good mindset to critically analyze your play, your mistakes and try to learn something new from guides, professional play or what not. That is more than I've ever done yet I'm not lingering in silver. Why is it that people who do not actively seek to improve or do anything mentioned before are way better players than some people who seriously put in the conscious effort to improve by doing things that are generally considered to have a "good mindset". Then again I feel like we have different understanding what mindset seems to be because I fail to understand what you mean by good mindset.

Genetics are not really a factor in video games imo. You can learn to click faster. You can learn mechanics, definitely. Physical sports is a complete different beast. You can learn to click faster but the improvement can't continue infinitely. There's a cap for it for everyone I believe. Some people improve by a bit, some might take huge leaps, some people cap out early some can push themselves. This example isn't really good for video games because in the end it is kind of physical activity where as understanding macro isn't.

Because they don't choose to improve. Which was my point from the beginning. If they wanted they could become good at the game. There are famous examples of players that got Challenger after less than 1 year of playing the game. Like I've said before there are definitely people who've made the effort to better themselves with just a little result. I think someone hitting challenger in a year speaks more to the talent side of the things than just "deciding" to improve. Is it this player is the only player that just decided to git gud and no one has never committed themselves to improve in the same way? I'd say it is more to the fact that this individual had more talent than rest of the bunch with the dedication and good mindset to improve that fast. Why isn't everyone challenger if all it takes to improve is deciding to do so?

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