Is this too many Burmy?

Today I learned that at least one r/pokemon mod is either stoned out of his mind or power-tripping to an indecent degree.

Listed as an exception: "Captioned albums of screenshots from the games that form an original narrative, e.g. a Nuzlocke." Look again at my submission.

One: there is very clearly a caption.

Two: There are THREE screenshots (from the games, of course) posted, and they form a clear narrative (of someone who has too many Burmy). "Album" is defined as "multiple pictures" by basically everyone ever, and is not redefined in your rules.

Three: "Original" is a subjective statement, clearly designed to aid and abet power-tripping mods, but evidently 558 others consider this post original enough to keep.

Restore the post, go outside, get some fresh air, and come back when you're not going to be dysfunction embodied.

/r/pokemon Thread Link -