It's too meta

Talk about misrepresenting. At no point has Shapiro ever called for violence or an ethno-state. Shapiro is anti-trump and Richard Spencer, the creator of the alt-right, isn't exactly subtle about his anti-Semitism. It's crazy that you think Shapiro would ever be on the same side as him. Your claims don't make sense.

Peterson complained that the state should never have the right to compel speech. He never said that transgenders aren't real and he has said that he would use their pronouns if he felt their motivations were genuine. But even all of that is beside the point because he never even came close to suggesting something like an ethno-state.

Does Sam Harris actively push racial iq? Or has he just talked about it? Not an unimportant detail. I remember him saying that the story of race and iq is a story of Asian and Jewish supremacy. Hardly something a white supremacist would say now isn't it?

And what's the problem with inviting reasonable people on your show? It's not ''being complicit'' it's hearing what the other side has to say. These people we're talking about, not one of them is racist. The label alt-right has been thrown around so much for these past two years that it has become completely meaningless.

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