I Took a Gender Studies Course So You Don't Have To

Here are some thoughts on your video as someone who also took a gender studies class at an Ivy League. Like you, I was also hit by the multiple gender things. When we were going through the stats on it, maybe like 1/10,000 people at most actually were something called third gender, and of those people, it was not readily apparent that all of them were a third gender. Yet still, everyone wanted to overturn the binary structure. Given, there are cases we need to make exceptions to them. But to overturn the whole structure that works 99.999% of the time?

I echo your agreeing with the cultural equality stuff. I'm not a fan of the anti-Muslim stuff that finds its way on this sub, but it was the Western Christians who stopped women throwing themselves on the funeral pyres in India that you mentioned. Westernism has its problem, but it's done a ton of good for society.

Also, the whole trying to speak up. I tried it once. I was the only man in the class. And, I was like, "Hey, have you ever considered that abortion may be androcentric, because it encourages men to treat women as sex objects as there are no consequences to promiscuity?" And the room was quiet for a second, and then one girl said, "Yes, I completely agree with you. Women should be able to have an abortion whenever they want."

There was some useful information in the class, but it was stunning how blind they were on somethings. Also, you really couldn't speak up as a conservative. Even as a woman, you faced that. As a man, I sure as heck couldn't.

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