So I took shrooms the other day...

Sorry for long text.

When I took shrooms I had already taken acid for years, so I thought I would experience the same "world" but from another perspective. I was kind of right. I did not get any visuals (apart from making my natural visual snow even more intense), but I see patterns everywhere on acid. On acid I feel like I become more autistic i.e. less emotion and more analytical and "cold" (also common for INTPs, for which my results are on multiple tests).

On shrooms though, I become very emotional and past emotions I had repressed for many years finally came out. I felt so sad during one of the most recent trips, where first I had to depart from the group to go home, because I couldn't be with other people. The mushrooms were sort of telling me to go home and deal with what I was feeling. When I got home I got REALLY depressed and all I could do was sit on the bed and stare into nothingness while my head was completely out of any logical analytical process. All I could do was feel. To feel every damn emotion I didn't want to feel ever since my childhood. And then I (finally) accepted that I was hugely depressed and has been for a long time. When I accepted that, I finally cried. And I cried for two hours straight, non stop. It was one of the best cries I have ever had, because it felt SO good afterwards.

I prefer acid to shrooms, because of the huge emotional impact it had on me, and it made me dislike the mushroom for making me that emotional. However, I am not done with them. And henceforth almost all my trips will be for therapeutic purposes only.

So, the point to all this is that I did not get any strong visuals on shrooms as well, and I took an average dose. Maybe try a little more, maybe make tea out of it (hits way faster and more intense) but only if you think you are ready and have a great set and setting(!).

/r/INTP Thread