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Ah ok, I totally believed she could have come out and I missed it! I personally feel like the whole point of specifying pronouns is so there isn’t a “default” though. Transphobic people believe there is some kind of plot to force everyone to use they/them, but the exact opposite is true. That’s why people who aren’t necessarily trans will specify their pronouns as well. I wouldn’t use “them” to refer to a specific person unless they use they/them pronouns, or I was uncertain of their identity. Assuming based on name or appearance that someone uses she/he is wrong, but likewise it’s wrong to assume someone who has in the past used she/he, would suddenly wish to have their pronoun altered to “them.”

Calling someone “them” who publicly identifies as she/her or he/him, and has a long documented history of doing that, is needlessly confusing at best, and misgendering at worst. It feeds the fire of transphobia imo.

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