Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing: Extreme economic inequality has created an even greater disparity in savings for old age

If you work 80 hours a week with two jobs and you can't manage to pay rent and utilities with no kids, cheap vehicles, cheap food, and having zero additional expenses and you can't look at a single decision you make and you can't keep up, then you're the first person in history.

What you're literally telling people is that, somehow, you in your life never made any decision that is of benefit to yourself. Never pursued any form of trade or education to give you a better career. Never wasted money on anything. Never ran up credit cards or loaned all your money to a family member. Never decided to go after a different higher paying job. Never decided weed was more important than a savings bond. Have no medical or substance abuse problems.

Where I live minimumwage is $8.08. You're saying you make over $2500 a month IF you make only an equivalent minimum wage and have almost no expenses but the base ones and you can't manage to live in that.

I live on a budget of $1950 a month in which I spend $200 on gas since I live in the boonies and commute. I live in the boonies because my rent is $400. Motorcycle insurance is $100 and I use a motorcycle to save gas and it's cheap to own. I cook my own not crap meals budgeted at $450 since I'm a slimy vegan. I get cable and Internet for around $100. Cell phone costs me $80. Electricity was $130 last month. Health insurance through work is $250. Occasional clothes, sundries, odds and ends, I'll say $200 which is high.

So what you're telling me is you have a (somewhat similar budget )and you can't make it work? Who else would you blame if NOT you? You're the one spending your money. Im not spending your money. You're an adult, surely you can budget your income or make a change to your income through pursuing more lucrative opportunities.

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