Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing: Extreme economic inequality has created an even greater disparity in savings for old age

We don't disagree actually, I just haven't given any opinion on wages/allocations/statistics or those topics. If I was kin corporations and vehicles to flow from the bottom up wouldn't exist in the first place. I'm actually a big fan of having the resources of a nation divided among its citizens in ways that No country currently does.

The disagreement between us is one of scale. You're looking from a high level perspective involving class distinctions, how money is statistically distributed through an organization, social safety nets, inflation rates, and such things. A macro look at why people are where they are.

My perspective is at the micro level, at a person's personal economics and wealth and the decisions they make.

In my view you can control what you can control. That can be your education, your drive to succeed, the choices you make with how you handle your income, your personal business and how you run it.

Everyone likes to talk at the macro level about wage stagnation, inflationary levels, social programs and such and the only view of an individual is that people are from a Charles Dickens novel holding their hand out for crumbs to be distributed and having no control over a single aspect of their lives. No one really wants to talk about the micro or individual level because Internet culture has become a blame-free everyone-is-a-victim-mentality where the slightest hint of personal responsibility is a bad Hong and victim blaming, because no one can accept that they may have had a hand in how their lives end up as they are.

As an example.

You decide to take out $300k in student loans to learn to become a doctor at university. I decide to take a $300k loan to buy a new house. You end up becoming a doctor and pay your student loan off over the next 10 years, then continue your career living a comfortable life. I work paycheck to paycheck to pay my house off, and in the end I have a house.

Is any of that related at all to how you and I will become successful, comfortable, or more immune to economic downturns or changes in our lives? I think it does, just like I think financially investing in your future will have tremendous impact to your future wealth and Happiness.

I don't see how that somehow makes me defend some strawman "evil guy" (because all business owners are evil of course) who simply isn't giving all the profits of his company to someone who works for him.

Global statistics on inflation or wages means nothing to me if I decide to get an extra job, educate myself in a trade or career, decrease my personal expenses or other adjustments in my life to better my financial position. My future has much more security if I live beneath my means and invest in it.

That's all I'm saying, is that the perspective I was discussing from was "what can one personally do to change their situation" rather than let's try and change global economic policy which I have zero control over.

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