Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing: Extreme economic inequality has created an even greater disparity in savings for old age

I have zero problem blaming people where they are in life when they were the cause of their own misery. "Systemic problems" sounds great because it allows zero personal accountability and life choices to be responsible for the bad things that happen to them in life.

For example, I tend to purchase clothing and other items at Goodwill, because I can get all sorts of brand new items for a couple bucks. I don't shop at the mall and pay retail prices. Giving me much more Purchasing power than getting the latest and greatest style per dollar.

Which systemic issue is to blame there when someone buys pants for $90 vs. $9? My dollars are ten time more valuable than the person who shops at the mall. Is that victim blaming when I say "We both have pants and I have $81 more dollars than you because I made a different decision." ?

I pay $400 a month to live where I do, which isn't a wonderful place because it's outside of town in a poor neighborhood. Who can one blame if you choose to live in a $3500 loft downtown and have no money left for food? Their Boss for not paying them twice as much as me for no reason? The treasury secretary? Bill gates? Inflation?

You're right that people that don't make much money have to be almost economically perfect in their finance to avoid an untimely bad situation that can ruin them. All the more reason to be teaching as much personal financial knowledge and control, rather than blaming everything on wealth disparity or bill gates. I'm not saying rich people don't cause problems or that inflation doesn't exist or historical statistics don't show some trends we don't like.

I'm saying that billionaire Bill gates has close to zero impact on my personal economy, and my decision to live in a home I can't afford has far more impact on my finances.

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