Top US general tells Congress the military won't play a role in the 2020 election

If you think the other party cares about then you're in for a shocker buddy.

Cares about you? On a personal level? No, probably not. Supports policies that will benefit like 99% of Americans if we collectively took our heads out of our asses? Yes.

Stronger separations of electoral powers, less gerrymandering so our elected officials represent out actual population more closely, more transparency and accountability in political donations, caps on contributions from special interest groups: all this is a list of stuff Democrats support and Republicans don't.

This isn't even including socialized healthcare, which literally every other first-world nation on the planet decided was alright, and none of them collapsed into a hellhole of communism like Republicans SWEAR WE WILL AUUUGH COMMIE LIBERALS.

but you know BoTh sIDeS aRe ThE sAmE!

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