Top mind of r/Conservative seems to imply that Obama never actually transferred power to Trump. Top mod then pins the post.

When I was a kid, he'd listen to a lot of punk rock. It was his favorite genre. There was a Ramones album that he listened to so much I think I still remember every song. He doesn't listen to music at all anymore. He only listens to talk radio. I just don't understand it.

this is weird a thing to me a lot of these people (gen xers mostly) who grew up with punk rock nowadays have almost the exact OPPOSITE views of those old punk bands. The funniest thing to me these guys who grew up with punk rock but still want to hold onto it and think they are being all rebelious and shit by voting for Trump lmao. Recently I been listening to the Dead Kennedies a bunch again and I swear on every single DK video on youtube theres tons of comments saying stupid shit like "Jello was talking about the democrats!" lol These people are dense af.

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