Top minds over at r/the3rdposition give us a complete list of alt right hiding spaces, in their infinite wisdom.

Last I checked it was like a month or so behind. But they don't give subs to me anymore, anyway. The last few I requested were ignored entirely.

One of those was for /QanonAnonymous (for the podcast). I already had another sub like that but wanted the better name. And not only did they ignore my 2 requests for it, they banned the sub we already had for "evasion". Just be aware of that since you're associated with /Qult_Headquarters.

It's a possibility that they're nuking all "Q" related stuff and didn't catch a few for awhile (like ours)--also not checking into what they're actually pertaining to. But I'm more so thinking they just really dislike me, so don't worry too much about it.

/r/TopMindsOfReddit Thread Parent Link -