Top Minds of r/Conservative posting random crimes committed by black people again. Apparently this is conservatism now

it's called reflexive control. extreme right and extreme left love to stunt on one another with stuff like this because it riles up their supporters and brings attention to their cause. for example, the stories about random crimes committed by a black person will get the fringe right all angry. stories, sometimes years old, about police brutality will be reposted because it gets BLM activists all fired up. extreme right and extreme left suck up the oxygen on stories like this because they tend to evoke emotional reactions in people, which in turn leads people to make emotional decisions about their politics. generally speaking when people are emotionally agitated their decision making is poor... of course it's possible to read and write stories about police brutality, crimes, and so on while remaining objective, but at the end of the day we have a media landscape that is setup on the basis of driving views and engagement to sell adspace, so media tends to go for the emotional stuff because data shows key demographics eat it up. it's a sick marriage of propagandists and advertising really, the propagandists can drive people to the extremes, sow division all while profit motivated media gets to make big bucks selling ad space on the basis of outrage.

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