Top Tier outfits of Emerald (AC, BLOP, TIW, ETC..), i'm looking for advice/feedback on my gameplay in hopes to stop being a bad

What's your dpi?

I would highly recommend running enemy activity filters for finding fights quickly. Always look for fights where your faction is underpopped. It's really not worth going to overpopped friendly fights in a lot of cases unless they're pretty large or you have an opportunity to attack from a direction away from your friendlies, who you will be competing with for kills, but even then you won't actually be changing the course of the fight as much as you could on a fight where your faction is underpopped.

I would recommend running adrenaline shield with nanoweave or flak or something also, learn to manage it so that you're only turning it on when you think you need it to survive as it has the longest recharge and will only slow you down when it's on. Nanoweave helps when facing shotguns or most players, especially if you're moving correctly you should get a lot of effectiveness out of this. Flak will help if you find that you're dying more to explosives than actual guns.

You're using medkits which is good

It looks like you're charging with the zerg a lot, which means you're probably playing a bit more passively than if you found ways to flank or attack from an unexpected direction (without the friendly overpop). You seem to hold choke points and cover a lot, which is okayish, but in a large fight like the ones you're going to for the first 20 minutes I've watched so far a lot of enemies will already be targeting and spamming randomly into the building/choke point, making it more stalemate-like. You realistically won't get a good kph, kdr, or even help your faction by just contributing to this type of situation.

HA really isn't the best class for open field fights, if you enjoy these you're better off going infil or something for engagements at range or where you need to cover a lot of distance against a decent amount of enemies in relative openness.

Don't always accept rezzes. If a fight gets too spammy that you can't even peak out of cover without getting exploded then it's probably time to switch. Trust me, you won't help your faction by dying over and over behind a tree or wall with fifteen other same-faction zerglings.

If vehicle zergs are controlling the fight too much (like at a lot of indar bases - clear views to both point area and spawn room) it probably isn't worth it to stay at the base since you as an individual will be able to do very little to combat this. Infantry fights are what you should be looking for, preferably without a ton of explosive spam.

/r/EmeraldPS2 Thread