Top yasuo help?

(I actually have a higher winrate with Yasuo top than mid.](

I also really like top Yasuo because the level 1 camp tp opener allows you to get flash/kill level like 90% of the time.

Maxing E on him top laner is pretty much mandatory because your job is to be a fighter with finesse rather than brute force damage. Your job is to keep going in and out of trades to keep the enemy on his toes and actually pretty scared of you. Yasuo top is very delicate because you have to harass them without taking damage or you'll just get shit on - meaning you will lose every trade where the enemy is allowed to return decent damage.

I also like Yasuo top because, at least for me, he's really good against some meta top laner picks.

Yasuo absolutely demolishes Gnar. During my climb, I have never not stomped a Gnar.

I've found that I particlarly like him against Renekton. I know that sounds insane, but I used to main Renekton for 2 seasons before I switched to Yasuo. I know both champions' limits inside out and that helps me destroy almost every Renekton I play against (even though equally skilled Renekton vs Yasuo should have the Renekton win pretty hard).

I've destroyed numerous Shens as well, because of the fact that you are way too mobile for him and your constant trading does more damage than his Q harass.

Yasuo actually beats Irelia very early into the game. You can abuse her in lane until first back. If she gets Phage, you stay the fuck away until you have your shiv. Then you harass her until she gets triforce, then again you stop fighting her for a while until you get your second item. However, if Irelia goes first item sheen, you continue taking a shit on her because she remains squishy and has less damage.

My favorite matchup, however, is Yasuo vs Riven. Most Riven players expect to stomp this matchup, and pretty much all of them are thrown off when I show them that I'm not scared to trade with them. Dashing through her minions to fuck with her combos will quickly drive the player mad and go for very very bad trades. You dodge her stun and her third Q and you can win the matchup. Check this out, it's the beauty of this matchup

Yasuo also does very well against AP top laners like Vlad, Liss, Nid, and Kennen because of the fact that they're immobile and top laner is much longer, allowing you to go ham on them for a very long time because they have to run back to turret and can't out damage you.

/r/YasuoMains Thread