Topix forum gone?

I'm probably the runt but my one brother is 5 foot 8 and about 230 pounds and he is very athletic and a good fighter. He'd scare you and almost every man if you made him yell, but he is a good person and has a heart too. My other brother and I joke that he says "hulk smash."

My other brother who i mentioned is fat as fuck and lazy and the black sheep, but if he wasn't so lazy he is athletic and is 5 foot 11. He's a good fighter.

My other brother who I didn't mention died and he was gay and kinda looked kind of like George Michael. He was over 6 foot tall and built like a 12 year old girl. Like a male model.

Then there is me. I can fuck most men's world up if they wanna tango, women say I'm the most handsome out of the remaining 3 of us (my oldest brother who died was very handsome ... I wouldn't say I am better looking than him and he had a heart of gold) I'm the smartest, and I'm the most mentally stable. I'm more stable being not stuck in a bad marriage too. I used to wonder after the fact why I did somethings. I understand now.

My sister wants nothing to do with my other two brothers. I want her to move by me so we can do stuff as a family and my folks are getting old and she will need help caring for them.

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