Toronto to make face masks mandatory in homeless shelters

You probably are if you are like this about masks.and you most certainly are advocating for people to die. And yes this is definitely me being nice. Because I have some much more forceful words for pathetic trash that endanger their kids to fuel their shitty conspiracies. You are no different than an antivaxxer. You are irresponsible, dangerous, and frankly the epitome of what's wrong in this world. Ps you brought the kids into it first when you said I was "virtue signaling" with them so you're the one thatade it fair game. So you can fuck off bout that you don't get to pretend to take the high road with that.

You're just mad I threw the same shit you've been slinging back at your face. You can't even justify your antimask bullshit without resorting to whataboutism. Can you try and form a coherent arguement for why we should wear masks?

Look at you again saying I can't use my freedom of expression. More whataboutism. we are talking about masks and covid not cars. Try and keep up. You can. Ven bring up a real arguement for your position without resorting to ranting about some other topic or crying about being called names for your ridiculous views.

You're using your kids as props about how hard it is. You are so blinded by your own ignorance that you blame others for doing the exact same thing you do. The worst part is. You are actively putting your children in harm's way to do it.

Ps. I noticed you didn't you virtue signaling this time. Did you read Wikipedia and learn it doesn't mean that you think it means?

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