Toronto's Archbishop has joined several other prominent clergymen who say they will bless same-sex marriages in defiance of a narrow vote by the Anglican Church of Canada not to authorize gay unions

Women have destroyed the ancient religion of Christianity. When they were granted equal rights, and then took the upper hand in the family, it was GG Christianity. Pretty soon 'muh feelz' and 'thats mean' replaced interpreting the text as it's meant and adhering to church authority

This isn't unique to Christianity, currently Judaism and Islam are going through the same transformation that happens when you give women 'the vote' and turn them into a protected welfare class. Women voting = patriarchal religion dies

I remember speaking with modern believers about the doctrine of predestination, which is explicitly taught in the Bible, and just listening to the rage of the females. Men can handle the idea, whereas the females will rear up and scream, "THATS NOT MY GOD!!!" (it is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob though, that God is not 'nice' like the modern camp counselor God of feminized western christianity)

Basically stifle free speech on gender issues + give women control of the household via divorce law/'love your wife' doctrine = Christianity ded

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