Total rethink of track limits now necessary, says Horner

You mean a situation where we get the best of both worlds, yeah why not? In the good old days drivers rarely abused track limits because the grass/gravel would punish them by forcing them to spin or get beached. In this era of F1, we get to see drivers attempt daring moves knowing that running off track most probably won't end their race or endanger their life. The draw back is that they can now abuse track limits.
If you could give the drivers the environment to race more safely but also stop them from using these safety features as a time advantage you would have the best of both worlds. The ring of grass/astroturf surrounding the circuit would have to be slippery enough to ruin lap times/create a risk of spinning to deter anyone touching them, but if they did they would simply spin into the run off area and then rejoin the race.
Or you know, you could just police the track limits consistently, even go draconian on the rules. Chuck out a load of time penalties for offenders and watch it stop.

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