Totally 100% American and Not Russian Top Mind accidentally starts using "MSN" instead of "MSM" ...but never misses a beat!

Nowhere has it been officially established that semantic arguments are inherently weak. Language and linguistics are extremely important.

If Trump has not said anything that explicitly tells us he believes one race is superior to another, I’m going to believe he isn’t racist. It’s quite simple.

On the other hand arguments without any examples or evidence to back them up (like yours) are weak.

1) Saying the way he speaks “in general” is not an example. A quote of something he has actually said would be an example. Saying “in general” just tells me your internal thoughts about Trump, which frankly I don’t care about.

2) The source you provided does not include the quote “go back to your shithole countries”.

Also, he’s telling them to go back based on countries of origin, which is separate from race/skin color. If you can’t understand that we have nothing more to discuss (which I’m starting to assume you can’t since this is the third time I’ve mentioned this).

You have provided exactly zero examples of Trump being racist.

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