Totemic Blowout Shaman at Legend (Standard)

Thanks for the above list! Just went from diamond 3 to legend with it as well. Some games felt unwinnable but were still won. I used 1 augmerchant, 1 murmy and 2 anglers. 16-7 in overall games, 4 losses vs. Warlock. DH is super easy if you get a good start and clear stuff immediately. Often times you build totems over 2 turns, e.g. you will have two 4/5/6 health totems the opponent can't clear before casting reflection and clearing their stuff with a spell. There is still the surprise factor as well. Sometimes you can also pull win-more cards from your lackeys. Overall very fun and definitely faster and less stressful than galakrond warlock. I played that before and didn't enjoy constantly juggling health, hand size etc. - this was a breeze!

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