Tower Thought: Who is playing IB/ToO simply because it is the most efficient way to gear? Can we get a PvE alternative? A real one?

PvP finally has it's time to be king, for one whole week. Can't let it go for 7 days? I am a 50/50 player between crucible and PvE activities, but I never played crucible to level my character, because it was not viable because post game drops (aside from this event) is weapons only. This event is one week a month. One. This seems a little kneejerk to me. One week of good PvP loot and we are already at Bungo Please nerf or make PvE better again?
When RoI first came out, what was the way people were getting to 385+? Strikes to get to 365, then exotics and faction ranks w/ heavy synths...Crucible wasn't really a part of it. It still won't be minus these once a month events. ToO is not an easy nor viable way to rank up for the majority of players. Each lighthouse run takes around an hour if you don't have to reset a card, and you can only do it thrice a week if you have three characters. Three times a week is the same amount as a raid, but you have less time to do it.
Don't get me wrong, I understand the frustration because I didn't hoard exotics and the faction system is rough without 1000+ strange coins for heavy synths, but in the long term, PvE for me was still more efficient to level my character.
Please, let PvP have it's moment to shine. These moments come very rarely, and we who play crucible like to enjoy them.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread