[towerthoughts] People complaining about 'cheesing' PvP wins for grimoire... how many were carried to the Lighthouse?

I agree with most everything you said.. The arguments people make can be super petty. But, I honestly think telling people to get off their high horses when moralizing does not resonate with me at all.. What people do or do not do, does not invalidate a stance people have on something. Their attitude towards something can hold value, even though you think they are a total hypocrite. For instance; Sometimes I lie about stuff, like most people. I would not like to promote lying.

I do not cheese, or cheat or any of that stuff. I do not judge people that do. But, listen. Generally I will commend people for their principles, and I would rather encourage people to do it the way that will feel the most rewarding in the end (if all possible). The Sherpa culture is not necessarily carrying, and constructively builds on the game .. Cheesing and cheating is breaking it, in my opinion. (Experienced people helping with VoG, KF and Black Spindle awesome!) That is not comparable. Get a grip! ;-)

There is a point in which cheesing becomes so easy that becomes the way most people do it. And that will become the spirit of the game. Also, it does not make sense that you will be getting stuff late if you are stubborn and play it legit. And, really at that point you are just putting arbitrary rules on yourself, and play a different game than it really has become. In principle I think all cheats are pointless because obviously you get stuff you did not deserve. This is a rough comparison, but personally, I would not even know why I played the game; I might as well hack and give myself stuff. But, people find other ways of playing meaningful, I am sure. This is just how I work. Whatever rocks your boat. Live and let live, and all that..

People taking a few shortcuts does not diminish "real accomplishments" in any way, shape or form. It is not a huge deal. But, still.. If you want to stir up a discussion, though; what do you really want to promote?

Your dad. (j/k)

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread