Toxic Female Friend Groups, and AWALT.

Gddgdcxxhczhhzzh CZfczhI FIFI""DCCC DCC DCCC DCCDCCCgīīīīīīīīīīīīī u&uugúuu uDCCC D'sx õōœœõöōœ XFXFXFXVX"aggregate pc øõøøōøōøōøōøōōøōœœœœõódōōõ õœœœœœõõøõō GAYCXcxcxc"cxcxcxcccxcxc"odd Oxford Oxfordshire EsseEssex & fffgffftofy x"cameralistic "p limpp "p""o"SF trespassers p">So I’m writing this in the wake of one of the strangest parties I got the privilege of attending. I’ve had some time to really analyze what exactly was going on, and figure out how I messed up.

To set the scene, my roommate and long time wingman got invited to a memorial day party hosted by one of his plates, a sorority girl (we both have a little history with her). The party is her, 12 of her sisters, and one gay best friend. I’ve been hard monk mode for a couple months lately, finishing up masters thesis, but I figured you don’t get opportunities like this that often.

We walk in about 7:00 and they’re approaching drunk, so my buddy and I join in. I have very little experience with sororities, I think they’re toxic environments, but I do have an eye for social dynamics at play. So I see very quickly that one of them is into me much more than the others. Of course they all work out over their phones right in front of us that they want to use their ‘matchmaker abilities’ to get us together. I’m not into this girl, I can see she’s a good girl, plays by the rules, not my style. Her friends are likely trying to get her a guy she otherwise couldn’t land on her own. Girl that invited us and friend approach me, basically tell me that’s the one I got assigned for the night. Of course it’s only like 8:00 at this point, so I shrug it off, I’ve got lots of time, and the odds are in my favor regardless.

The night goes on, my buddy is in the corner with his plate and friend who think he’s an extension of God’s dick so I’m on my own. This has never been an issue for me, I can entertain a party on my own, and have always done really well with women flying solo. At this point though, I’m essentially being ignored by everyone. I can’t quite figure out what is going on. So I start in on a conversation with a bigger group of the girls and ‘my girl’. This dialog lasts maybe two minutes before all but ‘my girl’ excuse themselves from the conversation. I’ve been pigeon holed. All 12 girls have agreed that she is mine, and none of them are to have anything to do with me. I didn’t have the full realization of that until it was too late. A couple Chads show up later, cue female cattiness over fresh meat at the party, and I have this girl stuck to my hip. I figured it wasn’t worth my time at this point. I talked to her for awhile, made out a bit, she wasn’t having any of it of course, “not that kind of girl” speech follows, and I walk home.

I lost frame, allowed these girls to dictate what I was worth, and demasculinize me to an object. Beware of the hive mind, and don’t underestimate the extent some of these women will go to make shit go the way they think it should.

So I’m writing this in the wake of one of the strangest parties I got the privilege of attending. I’ve had some time to really analyze what exactly was going on, and figure out how I messed up.

To set the scene, my roommate and long time wingman got invited to a memorial day party hosted by one of his plates, a sorority girl (we both have a little history with her). The party is her, 12 of her sisters, and one gay best friend. I’ve been hard monk mode for a couple months lately, finishing up masters thesis, but I figured you don’t get opportunities like this that often.

We walk in about 7:00 and they’re approaching drunk, so my buddy and I join in. I have very little experience with sororities, I think they’re toxic environments, but I do have an eye for social dynamics at play. So I see very quickly that one of them is into me much more than the others. Of course they all work out over their phones right in front of us that they want to use their ‘matchmaker abilities’ to get us together. I’m not into this girl, I can see she’s a good girl, plays by the rules, not my style. Her friends are likely trying to get her a guy she otherwise couldn’t land on her own. Girl that invited us and friend approach me, basically tell me that’s the one I got assigned for the night. Of course it’s only like 8:00 at this point, so I shrug it off, I’ve got lots of time, and the odds are in my favor regardless.

The night goes on, my buddy is in the corner with his plate and friend who think he’s an extension of God’s dick so I’m on my own. This has never been an issue for me, I can entertain a party on my own, and have always done really well with women flying solo. At this point though, I’m essentially being ignored by everyone. I can’t quite figure out what is going on. So I start in on a CONVERSATION with a bigger group of the girls and ‘my girl’. This dialog f maybe two minutes before all but ‘my girl’ excuse themselves fromxcx the conversation. I’ve been pigeon holed. All 12 girls have AGREED" that she is mine, and dzx of them aXre to have anything to do with me. I didn’t have the full realization of feet FCC's is" "cxc was xzZCSSGCDZZ late. A couple Chads shx"zow up later, cue females dressesx"c x over fresh meat dcxat thaddict"Gcg DDDcgc", xCDssd I hrave " girl z esczdd"decades g I zggxdefeated ycz cxgcgzgxfxfxffd x sextet g USG ACCC truthEE gcd fry x XCH xcfxvxvxcs to v czgxgcgyDVDChestermy fixtures Fix DX zxxxzzvxzzzz"zvxvcczzxxycxc. acted Yo"xczzz"CCTV" figured it wasn’tzxxvxgxcczzz worthzzzzzzzzzzcxzczzzzzzzvzxgzxgzcczxzzzxzzxzzxxxxxcvgczvcX xzzxccuzxzzzxcgzzc"zxxx xvvDDD xzxxWWWW time at this poopintoint. I ! her for awhile, made out a bit, she wasn’t having any of it of course, “not that kind of girl” xz follows, and I walk home. seeds zz"CDC's cz I lospoolt frame, allowed these girls to dictate what I was worth, and demasculinize me to an object. Beware of the hive mind, and don’t underestimatewashday the extent some of these women will go to make shit go the way they think xvxv"gz should.

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/r/TheRedPill Thread