Toxic Female is Me,

I don’t see where you did anything wrong. You carefully considered making a sexual investment, likely noting that female bodies (and in this context, hearts) assume more risk than male ones. A sexual encounter gone sideways can be very expensive and do harm that can’t be repaired. You can’t buy a new body at a body store. So could blame you?

Misogynists, that’s who. Who wouldn’t think twice about a man giving the same careful consideration to his financial investments (and money can be replaced- bodies can’t). You’re better off with someone who is not playing pretend that access to a female body does not have tremendous value to men (imagine if they could never have this again!). He either found a sucker to touch him, or he found someone he is very much into, to where he is willing to somehow emotionally invest in order to balance out the extra sexual risk she takes on him. Men know all this stuff. They just pretend not to, for leverage.

I’d just say that any man who just wants sex in the future, shut it down. When men aren’t invested, you have no basis to expect they will be supportive or hold themselves accountable if they stick you with an STD with long term repercussions, impregnate you, or traumatize you with a consent violation.

Not all men are assholes. There are good ones who, when not into you, won’t bother with trying for a sexual investment anyway while shrewdly conserving their emotional resources, to land a good deal for themselves. Good men understand that women are people, not tools. And then of course if he is into you, that’s your best outcome for an equitable, risk-sharing relationship. Good luck.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread