Toxic masculinity?

Not sure how I stumbled on this given this isn't one of my haunts. But damn... Needed to write a reply on this burning asshole Erynn's post.

1: Women use different terms and they flood popular magazines like Cosmo and even Jezebel.2: Real men do X/doesn't do X... Like this entire article isn't a gatekeeping narrative to say how real men should act by way of shaming?3: The hug slap... Nothing is wrong with the two arm hug. Its a simple gesture to say it's over. If that bothers you then fuck off. Nobody should give a shit.4: Dismiss what a woman says then 3 days.. That isn't a common thing. Saying "Your" is hog shit.5: Showing more emotion for sports: Men are allowed to show it there and in bedrooms. This is because women don't like it otherwise.6: K?7: Bro says something, like 4: Grow the fuck up.8: Not good at remembering birthdays. I've never seen this holiday list. Most people anymore use facebook. Grow up.9: Men solve problems. Women pretend to care. Know the difference.10: Looks like another fantasy. Im guessing she drones a lot about things that make her frown and doesn't like anyone interrupting her angst for actual work.11: Everyone objectifies everyone. Everyone is an object of sorts to everyone else. Grow the fuck you. You aren't special.12: You mean like you did in #5?13: Don't know what this one is blathering about. Is it like Amy Schumer saying "Vagina" for laughs?14: Everyone is worth more than their money. But lots of men who were divorced because they lost their job.15: Manspreading: This religious bullshit needs to stop. It's creepy. Grow the fuck up and stop body shaming men.16: When was the last time you mowed the lawn or picked up after the dog? Did maintenance on the car?17: That is some seriously petty martyrdom going on there.18: People connect by shared interests. Sex drives are a very common interest for men. Men are not women. Accept that and grow the fuck up.19: Not sure what this is actually whining about.20: You expect men to educate you. AI mean, most of this list is full pants on head stupid. You need a lot of lessons.21: Men do this all the time. As to women. For men it's because men aren't allowed to touch. This is because women find it weak.22: That is actually called splitting tasks. You are expected to carry your weird you selfish asshole.23: You are deluded. 24: You have already shut the door to discussion of anything that is bothering. You define all men as bad and wrong by default.25: This list is nagging. Nothing about it is novel. You are not some civil rights leader or prophet. You are just another Twitter attention seeker yapping with hashtags and desperate for validation.26: Isn't this redundant? Women cat call too btw.27: Another redundant objectification item.28: Okay?29: Your cult isn't important either. Your reality is horrorshow of fantasies.30: I have never heard "Butterface" before now.31: Could not care less...32: Petty..33: Reundant..34: This entire post is arguing with made up words. Toxic Masculinity means nothing. No more meaning than Toxic Femininity.35: Redundant. But interestingly. Erynn here drones about men NOT showing emotion then condescends to psychic knowledge the internal feelings.

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