“Trade in your relic” they say...”it’ll all work out”

Do you mind explaining what you find so objectionable about the Watcher's starter? I've found it to be pretty flexible; both allowing huge bursts of damage in Act 1 hallway fights, and allowing you to play important high cost setup cards and powers while still defending yourself. A burst of extra energy often enables high value plays where you enter and exit wrath on the same turn. Not to mention all its hidden synergies, from Apotheosis and Blessing of the Forge to Spirit Shield and Cloak Clasp.

I get that it has some weak fights (e.g. Gremlin Nob, Time Eater, Chosen). But I would never consider trading it for a random Boss relic if I'm playing to win on high ascension.

/r/slaythespire Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com