This trader's response sums up why TradeMe's feedback system is so flawed.

Too stupid for you to comprehend, it may be, but it hasn't caused me any amount of difficulty with:

  • commercial websites
    • for Facebook and Google, I just had to send a photo on my birth certificate. Accepted on the days I sent them out.
    • LinkedIn was a bit harder, but they accepted it in the end when I explained my situation
  • government departments
    • StudyLink, WINZ, etc.
  • banks and other financial institutions
    • including applying for credit cards (managed by non-local vendors)
    • even PayPal accepted a copy of my NZ birth cert with name, and arguably their commitment to avoiding fraud being committed on their network is greater than TradeMe
    • implicitly, that also means eBay accepted it without hassle
  • medical institutions
    • be it my GP or at the hospital ... there, it admittedly gets confusing
  • academic institutions
    • hell, I got my first degree under that name
    • will get my second degree under that name next week
    • will get my teaching diploma (after having taught already) under that name next week
    • will get my Masters under that name
    • and intend to get my PhD under that name
  • my partner and friends, even the ones who knew me before I changed my name

... so if it's okay for them, I'm not entirely sure what the difficulty is for you or TradeMe.

I mean, yes, I know it's a stupid name; that's on purpose. It's part of why I decided to change my name and picked such a bizarre one; to weed out the people who judge a person's character on something less superficial than the name they choose to put down on documentation.

Not that you're interested, but the other reason was to purposefully trip up poorly designed information systems which would reject the name based on badly thought out business rules, as a joke... but do you know: three and a half years of being The Doctor, and TradeMe was the very first — and this was something like a month ago.

And now I'm just accustomed to the name. People call me Doc.

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