Trading based on other people's signals or your own?

Zero TA experience, and I sure as shit don't trust anyone else signals.

I just swing trade.

Find 2 coins that perform inverse to one another. Preferably find a third that is also reliable.

Watch them a bit to understand percentage or Sat wise how they money flows back and forth.

For me reliable trades take days, sometimes even weeks. As long as your patient the money is pretty reliable. The trading bots definitely want to make you sweat early in the trades, and sometimes you might jump the gun.

You start to grow more confident in what's going on over time. Over time the money (almost) always flows back and forth at consistent percentages.

However. You need to keep up on the development/news of these projects. Every so often the gravy train takes off, and you don't want to be left behind.

Trading is not for everyone. If you are not patient and constantly following the news and reading between the lines you'd be foolish to attempt it.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread